While you consider these hints and tips, it’s important to remember that our advertised range figures are intended as a guide only and are derived from WLTP testing in specific conditions under moderate ambient temperatures. In real-world conditions, your electric range will generally differ due to various factors which may have a positive or negative impact.

Three big influences on your range

The factors that impact an electric vehicle’s range are numerous. Examples include your personal driving style; the profile of the driving you’re doing; traffic conditions; environmental influences like temperature and weather; the vehicle’s condition; accessories fitted; the weight of a load and the use of auxiliary systems like air conditioning and heating.

Here, we focus on three of the biggest impacts, namely climate control, outside temperatures and driving profiles. However, planning ahead and adopting an economical driving style will have the most influence on range.

How does the outside temperature affect my range?

The chemical make-up of Škoda electric cars' battery means that it is at its most efficient when outdoor temperatures are at around 20°C. This is because the battery operates best at its optimal temperature range (between 20°C and 30°C), whereas lower or higher outside temperatures require more energy to get it to its optimum. That’s why, when it’s excessively hot or cold outside, you’ll notice an impact on your mileage range.

Plus, you’re more likely to use applications like defrosting, heating and heated seats during cold weather (and air conditioning when it’s hot). Unlike combustion-powered cars that use heat energy lost from the engine to warm the car, all the energy comes from the battery. Therefore, you will notice your electric car giving you a lower mileage range during winter months. Take a look at our calculator (linked lower on this page) to see how outside temperature can affect your range.

How do heating and air conditioning affect my range?

Most auxiliary systems in a car require electrical power from the battery, with heating and air conditioning consuming the most energy in an electric vehicle. Where possible, try to limit excessive heating or cooling, as the higher the settings, the more battery energy is consumed. 

How do different driving profiles affect my range?

Like a conventional combustion-powered car, the type of driving you’re doing, such as motorway or city driving, will affect its energy consumption - and therefore its range. Unlike a combustion car, which is typically most efficient at constant speeds with less frequent acceleration, such as on motorways, an electric car is least efficient at the higher speeds achieved on these types of roads. This is because the aerodynamic drag working against the car becomes proportionately much greater at high speed, which means it requires more energy. This, along with fewer opportunities to recuperate through braking will also have a significant effect on your range.

Conversely, city driving, with lower speeds and more chances to recuperate energy with more frequent braking and coasting, will help extend your range. However, if you complete multiple short city journeys without pre-heating or pre-air conditioning before you set off – the overall result may in fact be less range than driving in a steady state a longer distance. When the electric motor is inactive while stationary in traffic jams, or while parked, there’s very little loss of charge. But, as we’ve seen above, outside temperatures and the use of auxiliary systems will affect your range even when stationary.

Plan ahead to maximise your range; adopt an efficient driving style and use the range calculator (linked lower on this page) to factor in your distance and charge.

Letting the car learn your range

When you first collect your new electric Škoda, it’s normal to notice a range figure that’s different to what you’d expect, even on a full charge. This is because the car needs to ‘learn’ your driving habits before it can calculate a more accurate mileage range.

How does a Škoda electric car calculate my range?

Škoda electric cars use an intuitive system to calculate your mileage range. It factors in energy consumption from previous journeys, whether it’s been stationary for long periods of time, and the other factors mentioned above that affect range.

Because the new car won’t have driven many miles, nor have much data on its new owner’s driving style, we therefore recommend that you drive it for at least 500 kilometers on your regular routes to allow the car to give you a more realistic estimate based on your driving profile.

How can I recalculate my range?

The car will always be recalculating the range based on previous driving data. We recommend driving at least 500 kilometers on your everyday journeys for the car’s system to gather sufficient data for a more accurate estimate. The recalculation can only be done automatically by your car system.

Calculate your range

When driving electric, planning ahead is crucial. Use our online range calculator to get an estimate of what kind of mileage you can expect from a Škoda electric vehicle, depending on your typical driving profile and journeys.

Maximising your range

Depending on your circumstances, there are ways to improve the range you can achieve from your electric Škoda. Have a look at these useful hints and tips on how to maximise your mileage.

Selecting a higher recuperation level

An electric Škoda can harvest the kinetic energy generated by braking and coasting and convert it to an electric charge that’s channelled back to the battery. This is known as recuperation. The intensity of recuperation can be selected either automatically or manually. In automatic mode, the car decides when and how to recuperate by analysing the driving situation. In manual mode, you can select three recuperation levels via the paddles on the back of the steering wheel. Selecting a higher level will increase the recuperation intensity, harvesting more energy, and therefore maximising your range.

Selecting ‘Efficiency’ or ‘Range’ mode

Škoda electric cars have an economical driving mode which helps maximise your range. ‘Efficiency’ mode changes settings to the drivetrain, transmission, air conditioning, cruise control (or optional adaptive cruise control) that will help extend your range.

In certain circumstances, like when running low on charge, you may wish to activate ‘Range’ mode. In this mode the car switches off all convenience functions (like heating, air conditioning and heated seats) and reduces power output and limits maximum speed to maximise your range.

Limiting heating and air conditioning

Heating and air conditioning are particularly power hungry. By limiting them or switching them off, you can significantly improve your range. Tip: heated seats and heated steering wheel use less energy than the cabin heating system; on cold days you may wish to use just these to keep comfortable.

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