Škoda Diplomatic Program provides special prices with diplomatic discount.
Škoda Diplomatic Program – Benefits
Highly equipped range of vehicles
When choosing a vehicle, we understand your needs and try our hardest to deliver to you the best quality vehicles suitable for every occasion. Our diplomatic clientele can enjoy a wide range of the highest equipped models which guarantee the highest comfort and ultimate quality.
Škoda Diplomatic Program – Benefits
Exclusive tax-free offer
Due to our diplomatic sales program, you are exempted from paying VAT and duty upon providing to us an official document allowing for this discharge.
Formula for calculating the price of a car without VAT: Car price with VAT *21/121
Škoda Diplomatic Program – Benefits
Flexible transportation and handover solutions
To suit your needs, we are able to facilitate the handling of the transportation of your vehicle and deliver the vehicle to your hands with maximum comfort and speed. Your car can be delivered to any of our importer countries.
Our diplomatic sales team is ready and prepared to fully assist you on every step of your purchase journey. You can contact us any time with any of your questions and requests, while you can remain sure that you will receive our attention and loyal assistance.