Add your Mastercard to your MyŠkoda app account and receive a 10€ discount on your first three refueling sessions. The offer is valid only for the first half of 2024 or until further notice. Don't miss out on this opportunity to save on fuel!

How does it work?

  1. Add your Mastercard as payment method in MyŠkoda app.
  2. Fill your tank with at least 20 litres of gas.
  3. Pay with Mastercard for refuell via Pay to Fuel.
  4. The discount will be displayed on the invoice together with the original and the final total amount.

Haven't got the app installed yet?


1. Download the MyŠkoda Essentials app on Google Play or App Store.
2. Activate your Škoda Connect account.
3. Activate the Pay to Fuel service and accept the T&Cs.
4. Register for the service and add a payment method.


1. Go to the In-Car shop.
2. Download the Pay to Fuel app.
3. Make sure you are registered for the service in the MyŠkoda app. (You cannot register via an infotainment app.)
4. Start fuelling.